In relational database design, we not only want to create a structure that stores all of the data, but we also want to do it in a way that minimize potential errors when we work with the data.
Delivering tomorrow’s results, today!
We help clients gain market share at lower cost. We do so by creating data-driven strategies that they can implement rapidly and by taking on sales and marketing operations to make them more competitive.
On-Demand Skills
There are times when your business will need on-demand skills and expertise. The case is particularly true with enterprise database consultants. Our professional engineers are available for short-term consultancy or long-term placements. Whatever the database, our team are on hand to support your business.
Database Support
Whatever your database, we’ll make it work better for you. Simplify and harmonise administration makes network resources more accessible, improving system management. Oracle, SQL server, mySQL, or noSQL – we have the skills to make your database run smoothly round the clock.
Managed Platform
We build an entirely flexible, scalable and personal service around your needs – and provide the hardware, software and people to support it. All of our managed IT services are bespoke to the needs to each client and are delivered 24/7/365 from our Network Operations Centre.
Reliability Assurance
The importance of High Availability in any business cannot be underestimated: downtime costs alone have been estimated in the millions of dollars per hour in some industries. Database downtime is what a CTO’s nightmares are made of, and this could be the result of various causes: natural disasters, power outages, or server failures.